Wednesday, April 16, 2014



Manhattan is a grey and  grand alter to a color-
less god that I  no longer care to worship I sing
hallelujah  with  the bums in  Madison  Square
and my tithes go for pigeon feed and a copy of
the  newspaper  said  God was dead  and  I was
lost but then I found that  the subway was che-
aper  than a cab  and a helluva lot  faster in tra-
ffic St. Anselm  told  me  he  could  think of no
place  better  but  I can’t begin to conceive that
philosophy can be easily seduced by Wall Street
and all night bars only to wake with a headache
and rumpled clothes make the man I’m just an-
other temple whore a little past  my expiration
with  small  apartment and very high rent for a
place on  the  Jersey  side  of the Hudson could
save me a few  bucks and would  afford me an
unobstructed view of that grand and grey alter
we call Manhattan


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